Monday, September 30, 2019

Life or Death

The death penalty is the center of a highly publicized controversy. The sentencing of the 18-year-old American Michael Fay to a caning in Singapore and Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun's unequivocal public renunciation of capital punishment have intensified current debate over punishment in general and capital punishment in particular—the topic of this essay. The Fay controversy and the Blackmun declaration raise deep questions about how to get â€Å"the punishment to fit the crime† (Bedau 67). This is a difficult issue. Why do, or should, we seek the death of some criminals? How might we define death punishment, the justification of which is being debated here? The argument of this paper is that punishment must involve unpleasant consequences for the one being punished of capital crimes – death. The myth persists that by sanctioning â€Å"an eye for an eye† the Bible is calling for the death sentence. Take a careful look. The same Mosaic laws (to be found principally in Exodus XXI and Deuteronomy XIX) that are all too commonly assumed to condone capital punishment also call for death. The Hebrew text, â€Å"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth,† was meant to prohibit mass killings (Bedau 240). Is it justifiable for an authorized representative of society to inflict death on those found guilty of committing capital crimes? On the issue of capital punishment, there is as clear a clash of moral intuitions. Justice requires payment in kind and thus that murderers should die. Surely, the most convincing argument for the death penalty is that it protects innocent people by stopping convicted murderers from committing murder again. The death penalty is marginally necessary to deter crimes better than less severe penalties. More significant results come from the capital punishment’s restraining effect on the much larger population where can be future killers—what criminologists name as general deterrence. Testimony for death penalty’s general deterrent effect is found in three sources: logic, firsthand reports, and social science research. Logic presents the conclusion that the capital punishment is the most effective deterrent for some kinds of killers. As Professor James Q. Wilson has said: â€Å"People are governed in their daily lives by rewards and penalties of every sort. We shop for bargain prices, praise our children for good behavior and scold them for bad, expect lower interest rates to stimulate home building and fear that higher ones will depress it, and conduct ourselves in public in ways that lead our friends and neighbors to form good opinions of us. To assert that ‘deterrence doesn't work’ is tantamount to either denying the plainest facts of everyday life or claiming that would-be criminals are utterly different from the rest of us† (Bedau 189). Many murderers on death row declare that they did not think of the death penalty when they killed people. This is surely true. That is exactly the point. If they had thought of future death penalty, they would not have committed their horrible murders. The death penalty for the murderers makes a number of assumptions about the relationship between death punishment and the well being of those who suffered loss as a result of the crime. It is assumed that there is a â€Å"zerosum† relationship between the welfare of the victim's relative and that of the offender: the greater the suffering to be inflicted on the offender, the better the victim's loved ones should feel (Bedau 231). Perhaps a linkage of the selected penalty to the feelings of satisfaction of the victim's relatives becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, with the relatives feeling rewarded by the jury's choice of death penalty. The death penalty serves to release tensions in people, that it makes them feel that justice is being done. However, the imposition of the death penalty must be constitutional which imposes a dual procedure for the death penalty: first, conviction beyond a reasonable doubt for the act(s); and second, a separate sentencing hearing in which evidence relevant to personal culpability is admissible. The court, prior to imposition of the death penalty, have to find the existence of certain aggravating factors and the absence of relevant mitigating factors (for example, age, psychiatric history, family background, and the like); the death penalty judgment, in turn, is subject to appellate review as its fairness and the absence of invidious factors. Works Cited Bedau, Hugo Adam. Debating the Death Penalty: Should America Have Capital Punishment? The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Best Case. Oxford University Press: New York. Publication Year: 2004.   

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Leadership Styles and Theories Discussion

Leadership Styles and Theories Erica Hunter Faculty: Sherry Knight NUR 415 Leadership and Management in Nursing March 18th, 2013 The student name indicated on this title page signifies that the author has read and understands the IWU Honesty Policy as outlined in the Student Handbook and IWU Catalog. Affixing this statement to the title page certifies that no cheating or dishonest use of information has occurred in completing this assignment. The work submitted is original work specific for this course.If cheating and/or plagiarism are discovered in this paper, it is acknowledged that the university policy will be followed, and may result in dismissal of the student from Indiana Wesleyan University. Leadership Styles and Theories Leaders in healthcare and in business follow a leadership style to manage their employees. The Leadership styles vary from two factor theory, expectancy theory, and OB modification to transactional theory and transformational theory.The two factor theory is where the organization considers salary, status, and security to promote job satisfaction (Yoder-Wise, 2011, p. 10). Expectancy theory is where the organization believes an individual perceived needs influence their behavior thus affecting their work performance (Yoder-Wise, 2011, p. 10). OB modification is where the leader uses positive reinforcement to motivate followers to repeat constructive behaviors in the workplace (Yoder-Wise, 2011, p. 11).The two main theories I want to focus on are transactional and transformational theories. A transformational leader is one who promotes teamwork among the staff, encourages positive self-esteem, motivates staff to function at high levels of performance and empowers staff to become more involved in the development and implementation of policies and procedures (Atkinson Smith, 2011, p. 44-50). This leadership style is readily received by employees. This type of leadership was practiced when I worked in endoscopy at Miami Valley Hospital.The team leader Kandi encouraged the staff with positive affirmations. She would take the time to teach new policies and give an opportunity for the staff to ask questions about the change. Kandi followed up on quality issues and if an error was found she used it as an opportunity to learn for the employee in a non-punitive manner. Transactional leadership is when employees adopt the traditional view of the â€Å"boss† image (Yoder-Wise, 2011, p. 39). The superior makes the decisions with little or no input from the subordinates.This leadership style makes employees feel powerless and worthless to help with change. Hopefully this leadership style is used less within organizations. Leadership Styles and Theories References Atkinson Smith, M. (2011, September). Are you a transformational leader. Magnetic Pull, 42(9), 44-50. http://dx. doi. org/10. 1097/01. NUMA. 0000403279. 04379. 6a Yoder-Wise, P. (2011). Core Concepts. In P. Yoder-Wise (Ed. ), Leading and Managing in Nursing (5th ed. , pp. 5-6). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier Mosby.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Arguments for/Against Morality of Abortion

Morality of Abortion For Abortion (utilitarian): Anything having a net output of benefits with consideration of everyone is morally permissible [1, 7]. An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy and the procedure is performed by a licensed health care professional [2]. Medical or surgical abortions performed in the first trimester do not significantly affect later infertility, ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, or preterm or low-birth-weight deliveries, according to The Kaiser Family Foundation's statistics on abortion [3], and shows no greater risk of breast cancer, according to research from the National Cancer Institute [8].There is about 1 death per 100,000 legal abortions and the risk of complications from the abortions are rare, about less than 0. 3% [3]. In the question of whether fetuses can feel pain during an abortion, evidence from research concludes that â€Å"fetuses from 20-23 weeks do not feel pain† [6] – whereas abortions mostly occur before tha t time period [3]. In conclusion, since the legal abortions are performed by a professional and the benefits outweigh the costs, abortion is morally permissible. Against Abortion (kantian): Killing an innocent human life form is wrong.The fetus is an innocent human life form, therefore it is wrong to abort the fetus [1]. According to the Women's Center statistics, teenagers are more likely to delay having an abortion until 15 weeks of pregnancy, when the medical risks are greater [4]. The federal law dictates that states cover abortions under Medicaid under cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment [3], but having wider access to contraception would be a better solution to the problem of abortion and enable private companies to take on the burden of the costs[5].A fetus â€Å"possesses a property, the possession of which in adult human beings is sufficient to make killing an adult human being wrong† [9]. The arguments for abortion are apt to â€Å"'speciesism'† [9] b ecause the arguments center around the notion that a â€Å"human being† should have reasoning ability, critical thought, or consciousness in order to pass as a human being. We cannot focus on consciousness or rationality as a definition of a person because it has the fallacy of being too narrow of a definition since a erson in a coma is still considered a human being. In conclusion, since fetuses possess the ability to gain rationality, and don't need it to be defined as a human being, abortion is wrong because it is murder, and murder is not justifiable. Works Cited Gensler, Harry J. â€Å"A Kantian Argument against Abortion. †Ã‚  Philosophical Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy in the Analytic Tradition  49. 1 (1986): 83-96. JSTOR. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. ;http://www. jstor. org/stable/4319811;. â€Å"Abortion†.MedlinePlus. National Library of Medicine (US). Web. 2013 Jan 28. ;http://www. nlm. nih. gov/medlineplus/abortion. html#cat22; â€Å"Aborti on in the U. S. : Utilization, Financing, and Access. †Ã‚  The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. The Kaiser Family Foundation, June 2008. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. ;http://www. kff. org/womenshealth/upload/3269-02. pdf;. â€Å"Abortion Statistics, Facts About Abortion In The US. †Ã‚  Orlando Women’s Centers. The Women’s Centers, n. d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. ;http://www. womenscenter. om/abortion_stats. html;. â€Å"Second-Trimester Abortion Overview. †Ã‚  The Pro-Choice Public Education Project. Reproductive Health Technologies Project, n. d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. ;http://www. rhtp. org/abortion/documents/Second-TrimesterAbortionFactSheetExternal. pdf;. Christian, Brugger E. â€Å"The Problem of Fetal Pain and Abortion: Toward an Ethical Consensus for Appropriate Behavior. †Ã‚  Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal  22. 3 (2012): 263-87. U. S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.Web. 18 Feb. 2013. ;http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/p ubmed/23285794? tool=MedlinePlus;. Vaughn, Lewis. Doing Ethics: Moral Reasoning and Contemporary Issues. 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton ;, 2013. Print. â€Å"Abortion, Miscarriage, and Breast Cancer Risk. †Ã‚  National Cancer Institute Factsheet. National Cancer Institute (NCI), n. d. Web. 18 Feb. 2013. ;http://www. cancer. gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/abortion-miscarriage;. Marquis, Don. â€Å"Why Abortion Is Immoral. †Ã‚  Journal of

Friday, September 27, 2019

Supply of Oil and Alternative Energy Sources in the Next few decades Essay

Supply of Oil and Alternative Energy Sources in the Next few decades - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that there has been an enormous discussion about the future of oil ever since the theories of global warming and sustainable living have emerged â€Å"Oil's very future is now being seriously questioned, debated, and challenged†. The present research has identified that Saudi Arabia has been reassuring the world about the enormity of oil reserves in the capacity of owner of the biggest oil terminal in the whole world i.e. Ras Tanura while the world has generally remained skeptical about the assertions of Saudi Arabia. The researcher states that this can partly be attributed to the fact that Saudi Arabia has generally kept the information about her oil reserves hidden and has not allowed any external audits of the same. This essay discusses that, in addition to that, Saudi Arabia has not leaked the statistics about her oil reserves and much of the information that is spread across the world today comes from predictions and estimations . The author has rightly presented that Saudi Arabia has always overestimated the supply of oil for the years to come: Naimi's [Saudi Oil Minister’s] role is to assuage a nervous market. He blames the continued run-up in prices on "speculators." And he asserts that Saudi Arabia would be able to meet the world's rising demand for years to come.   This paper illustrates that many experts find themselves between these two poles.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 6

Management - Essay Example For example, the federal agencies can monitor the conduct and movement of the people by the novel technological advancements, such as the Internet, mobile phones, census, credit cards, and the burgeoning surveillance cameras. This has promoted the system of control. The Panopticon achieves several things, such as the reform of prisoners, treatment of patients, instruction of schoolchildren, supervision of workers, and physically restricting the insane (Felluga, 2012). This work deals with Foucault’s theories of power, power relations and its Implications for modern organisations. In this regard, organisational management, and practices have been discussed. Concepts of panopticism, discourse analysis, and subjectification have been scrutinised. In addition, Panopticon of Bentham, critical theories, such as the labour process theory and critical realism theory have been examined. Visibility as a source of mitigating the difficulty with human agencies has been analysed. Finally conclusions were made based on the research. The notion of subject, as contended by Foucault (1984), has to be clearly defined. This is essential for applying his power discourses. He argues that the following types of objectification transform humans into subjects. First, modes of inquiry, such as biology, economics, and linguistics. Second, dividing practices, wherein the subject is separated from others or divided in himself. This is illustrated by the differentiation between good and bad, and sane and insane. Third, the ways in which people transform themselves into subjects. An instance of this is their recognition of themselves as subjects of sexuality. Moreover, subject denotes domination by some other entity or being attached to one’s own identity by self-knowledge or conscience. This suggests a variety of power that subjugates and makes subject to. Thus, subject conveys something more than the term individual, as the subject is the recipient of

Screening Asia (comparing two movies from different countries) Essay

Screening Asia (comparing two movies from different countries) - Essay Example Departure, on the other hand, is a Japanese drama written and directed in 2008 by Yojiro Takita. The film offers a look into the historic ceremony of â€Å"encoffining† in Japan, whereby professional morticians prepare and ritually clothe dead bodies prior to placing them in the coffin (Asai et al 31). While the two films follow contemporary themes popular with other Asian movies, they are unique in that they are grounded in aspects of culture that are peculiar to their countries of origin. All Japanese films need a hero and Daigo, the hero in Departures, is a likeable and impulsive young man who is easy to talk to and understand. Mika, his wife, adores and believes in him, quickly agreeing to return to the town where Daigo was born after they are struck by disaster (Miller et al 45). They move back to his old house that was left to him following his mother’s death, for which they have to pawn his cello in order to pay for the trip. This incident has negative impacts fo r him since he has no employment or instrument to make a living by, going back to where he started. He looks through the job ads and comes across one that sounds like a job in a travel company. However, after the owner Mr. Sasaki appears at the office where he goes to apply for the job, he finds out that it is an undertaking business, and he is offered the job and advance salary. He is then taken for a job orientation tour of the funeral home where the practice seems more humane than is usually shown in western movies. The ceremony is one of grace and precise ritual with sheets arranged to preserve the corpse’s privacy as it is dressed after washing. While most of the families are silent through it all, some of them show emotional outbursts and here begins Daigo’s life lessons. From his reluctance to tell his wife what job he is in, one can gather that undertaking is important as an occupation but not respectable (Miller et al 46). However, she finds out and tells him she must leave. Cape No. 7 is set in a little town South of Taiwan referred to as Hengchun, which is literally translated to â€Å"forever spring†. This town is sleepy, similar to the one that Daigo and his wife have to go back to; although, the town is on the seaside, and it has a pleasant beach. The residents of this town are also conservative, preferring to keep their old and traditional values, despite the fact that there are liberal tourists in the town going around the streets dressed in bikinis when holiday season comes (Wang 137). The town is also host to a yearly concert for rock artists held on the beach in order to attract the visitors. It is for this annual concert that some residents in the town come up with an idea to make a band, which they begin to do some three weeks before the start of the concert. Aga, who is a postman, acts as a new band’s lead vocalist. He also discovers several love letters from Japanese soldiers, which were written during the col onial period and not delivered. The address to which the letters are sent in Taiwan existed during the 40s and is no longer in existence, referred to as â€Å"Cape No. 7† Aga proceeds to deliver these letters prior to taking the stage in order to perform with his band. Although the original writer of the letters, who was a Japanese, was forced to leave the country and his lover following the end of colonization in 1945 (Wang 137), Aga persuades his girlfriend, who is also

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

International Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Behavioral pattern of the suppliers and the clients and concentration in the supply makes entrepreneurs more competitive in the global market. In the market where the customers are diverse, a different approach to the market may be of great benefit to entrepreneur in a new market (Keillor 2011). The trends of innovating products and services in a particular environment have been used by multinational companies in their new products. Taking for instance the travel business in the United States, the business involves serving both the natives and the international visitors. Globalization and liberalization of economies have allowed companies to invent new ideas suitable for the developing markets. Globalization has pressurized companies to continue innovating new ideas of conducting businesses. Though much innovation has been witnessed in the global market, entrepreneurs have found it harder to penetrate the market to ever changing business environment and competition (Griffin 2005). There is more opportunity for growth due to innovation and completion in the global market. Entrepreneurs in the global markets seem to prefer working centrally and doing business from a central position. However Companies benefit international market therefore centralization of business no longer applies in the global markets (Keillor 2011). The trend of business innovation is moving towards decentralization of markets. Entrepreneurs are considering a more involving business venture where the customers, suppliers and other stakeholders are closely involved in the product and services development. Such approach proves more beneficial in the globalised market just like the trend in expansion of markets. The global market has been a major target for entrepreneurs however more innovation is required to maintain the local market. The idea used in the global market is also applicable in the local market (Keillor 2011). Though the product innovation is crucial in entrepreneurship, the process innovation plays a central role. It is important in adapting to various business environments such as fixing of costs. Process innovation can be used by the businesses which are planning to have decentralized management. Basically each market will be managed according to the requirements and the policies guarding the market. 2. Internation al Trade Barriers Doing business in the international market faces challenges such as quotas, tariffs and non tariffs. Non traffic barriers are usually imposed by governments basically to restrict the quality imports. Such barriers restrict availability of products thus complicating the prices in the market. The result is high prices. A traffic barrier such as taxes, custom duties decreases the volumes of imports thus increasing the prices of products, thus the local market is favored.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Electronic Commerce & Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Electronic Commerce & - Essay Example This form of borrowing and lending is much cheaper unlike the traditional lending businesses like credit cards. Hence, borrowers in pursuit of cheap credit will definitely opt to borrow through than their bank. Consequently, according to (Arnold and Harzog 75) the traditional lending/ borrowing businesses are likely to experience a drop in their lending business as more and more Americans are opting for peer-to-peer lending. Secondly, the business model of does not require borrowers to deposit collaterals to get loans. Therefore, borrowers in pursuit of small loans will opt for due to minimal lending requirements. Subsequently, this will lead to a fall of traditional lending/ borrowing businesses. According to (Arnold and Harzog 78) customers of traditional lending businesses will most likely shift to the peer-to-peer lending business model offered by companies such as, because of low interest rates and minimal lending requirements. This will definitely lead to a decline in borrowing from traditional lending

Monday, September 23, 2019

Hormones on Sexual Arousal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hormones on Sexual Arousal - Essay Example It is easiest to study male and female arousal in other primates because we have greater control (Carlson, 2002) . The ability to mate is not controlled by ovarian hormones. A woman can have intercourse at any time in her cycle. This makes it difficult to know exactly how much influence ovarian hormones have on arousal. Most studies show that these hormones have only a minimal effect on female arousal. It should be noted that these studies have been done on married women who are with their partner daily. It should be considered that a woman may take part in intercourse because of her husbands desire. Studies of female monkeys have shown that the menstrual cycle does have a strong effect on female arousal (Wallen, 2003). Studies of married women show that these females were, when tested through their entire cycle, more aroused when their testosterone levels were at their highest. When the adrenal glands, the gland that produces androgens, are removed from female monkeys the sexual drive of the money was greatly reduced. Adding testosterone reinstituted sexual arousal. Oxyctocin levels also seem to place a role in arousal. Higher levels start contractions of the uterus and the vagina that accompanies orgasm. It is likely that the pleasant â€Å"afterglow† that follows intercourse is also due to oxyctocin (Wallen, 2003). Pheromones are generally odors that are generally received through the olfactory portion of the brain but can also be absorbed through the skin. These pheromones tend to enhance hormone production in the female including oxyctocin. That would give a second explanation as to why touch enhances hormone production. There is also evidence that vision influences the production of oxyctocin (Wallen, 2003). Researchers are beginning to believe it is the combination of high testosterone levels and high oxyctocin levels that motivates female arousal. If both

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Travel Let People Be More Understanding Essay Example for Free

Travel Let People Be More Understanding Essay Traveling is an excellent opportunity to go beyond the boundaries of own country. International tourism enables to open new corners of the world and get familiar with unique unknown cultures, which are multiple on the Universe. Yet, what is more important, traveling allows people not to just enlarge the physical limits of regular existence, but it also widens the outlook and even shapes the existing values by showing how others live and perceive the world.   Ã‚   There exist different types of international tourism – leisure tourism, business travel, medical travel, and historical travel. Leisure travel allows people to go to different usually exotic places (Africa, South East Asia etc.) and have a rest there enjoying the seaside, the sun, beautiful beaches. Business travel supposes that a person visits other countries on business trips. Nowadays, medical traveling is becoming more and more popular. People go abroad to cure from certain diseases or simply enhance there health. Finally, the main purpose of historical tourism is to see the historical heritage of the country. Such a trip supposes multiple excursions to different places of interest of the particular country. However, no matter what is the main purpose of traveling abroad, visiting other country opens new boundaries before the person, which reflect in the different things.   Ã‚   First of all, trip abroad enables people to get familiar with new things – geography, culture, history of the visiting place. This upraises the educational level of the person and enhances self-consciousness of him. For example, we all know that Egypt is famous for its pyramids that are thousands years old. Those pyramids are the foremost glory and distinction of the country. However, not all knows how much effort and human lives were put into those constructions. Only seeing those giants own self, it is possible to understand the real value of human life. Seeing those pyramids, one can realize that his life is nothing compared to thousands year old stone. Such important revelation very often makes people reflect on what they do in their life and how much time they have on this world to do something valuable unless they go away. Another relevant example is Turkey. We used to think that Turkey is a great resort with its wonderful beaches and sea. Yet, on coming to Turkey one gets a chance to see exciting historical places, cause Turkey is the place where there are traces of all three major religions – Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Thus, we can see that international tourism helps to raise educational level and the level of self-consciousness of a person.   Ã‚   Secondly, traveling enables to form own objective point of view independent of those, which are based on TV programs, journal and newspaper articles, radio broadcasts etc. For instance, Pico Iyer (2002) assures that Arab population is not as evil as American officials portray it. All the media has been stating and convincing other countries that Arabs are terrorist and Americans have to fear them. Moreover, special campaign was even launch to assure that the war against terrorist was the only mean to save and help the nations where this terrorism originated. Yet, as author tells, he was greatly surprised visiting   Bolivia, Vietnam, India and other countries to hear that the those nations are actually against American’s decision to initiate the war. Being â€Å"locked† within the borders of one territory, it is impossible to get a clear picture and understand how others perceive you nation and your country, cause mass media might interpret the events and the opinions according to its own benefit. Thus, only visiting other countries, it is possible to get an objective panorama of everything that is going on in the world. Giving the example of Iyer, international traveling enables Americans to tell other nations that USA is not an evil.   Ã‚   To the third, traveling enables to get rid of certain prejudices that might exist in society in the form of â€Å"common opinion†. Again, as Iyer (2002) states, when he took his mother to Syria, she was very pleasantly surprised to realize that this country was much friendlier, much cleaner and more well-off that she previously thought of. It happens very often when we derive our opinion from certain common sources and form a stereotype and prejudice concerning the thing. Thus, traveling destroys stereotypes and creates more space for us to let in other opinions, views, thoughts. Ultimately, it helps us to be more receptive, more attentive and more tolerant to other cultures, to other opinions, which can be different from ours.   Ã‚   Finally, traveling influences the behavior of people. When one goes to China or Japan and gets exposed to this unique special culture, get to know the beliefs and habits of those people, there is always a temptation to follow the example. Watching the very ascetic Japanese man who can sleep on the mattress and eat only seafood, the thought about the excessive exuberance and its unimportance arises itself. Thus, the habit of living luxuriously might change into a habit of living according to the need. When observing how brave and enduring the peoples of Latin America are, the desire of being like them, fighting to the last comes instantly. Thus, traveling is able to change the whole behavior of a person.   Ã‚   To   conclude, it is important to say that traveling doesn’t simply allow to go beyond the border of the country of residence, but it also allows to go far beyond the limits of traditional thinking and mind. Exposing one to different cultures, vies, beliefs, traveling changes people’s values, behavior, destroy stereotypes and widens general outlook. The summarized benefits that traveling gives are the following: Deeper and wider outlook – new knowledge, new insights; Possibility to form personal objective rather than subjective opinion concerning different things based on own experience; Destruction of prejudices and ability to become more flexible and receptive; Gain of new patterns of behavior, new personal qualities.       References Butler R. â€Å"Contemporary Issues in Tourism Development† Routledge, London, 1999- Cooper C. â€Å"Tourism at the Age of Globalization† Routledge, London, 2001 Pico Iyer â€Å"The necessity of Travel† 2002. Jan.27, 2007

Saturday, September 21, 2019

An Environmental Analysis Of Yongin Farmland In Korea Tourism Essay

An Environmental Analysis Of Yongin Farmland In Korea Tourism Essay Yongin Farmland, opened in 1976, was the first amusement park in Korea, managed by Joong-Ang Company, subsidiaries of Samsung. The 3700-acre attraction began as an agricultural center to demonstrate how mountainous land could be used productively for growing food product. Yongin Farmland opened a Motor-Park in late 1993 but loss in the first year. Samsung want to improve the customer satisfaction level at Farmland, and develop the plans for Farmlands expansion. Question: Should Samsung invest in such an aggressive expansion plan for Farmland? Is the theme park industry was an attractive industry for investment? We will start this discussion to analyze the theme park industry using Porters 5 Forces : Internal Rivalry: Since globalization, and also theme park visitors also come from other country, foreign Theme Park has also be the competitor for Farmland. There are so many big player in the world, North America with Walt Disney company is the largest (revenue in 1988 grew from $2.042 B to $3.4 B. There are also Time Warners Six Flags, Paramount. Europe has Alton Towers UK, Walt Disney, Parc Asterix and Big Bang Schtroumpf in Franc. Walt Disney segment: there signs of declining profitability in the U.S. operations, since the market was maturing and the competition was getting more intense. But Tokyo Disneyland, the Japanese operation, was growing and profitable. Asia: Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo Disney Sea, Ocean Park in Hongkong, Jaya Ancol Dreamland with Dunia Fantasi in Jakarta. China has Beijing Amusement park, with 2,000 per cent increasing revebue between 1990 and 1993. Korea: Lotte World, started in 1989, the worlds largest indoor theme park with adjoining hotel, dept store, shopping mall, folk village and sport centre. Seoul Land, located near Seoul at Kyungkido, ranked 23rd in the Top 50 theme parks worldwide A number of theme park were investing heavily in upgrading facilities and extending theme parks services. Periodically added new attractions or renovated existing ones to draw repeat customers. Leading theme park companies, such as Walt Disney Company, charged huge licensing fees. They were very selective in choosing joint ventures in other country. In this industry, its difficult to differentiation, other can copy. The competition is high intense. Threat from internal rivalry is HIGH. Entry: Theme park industry required a large-scale investment; usually required over 50 acres of land and cost could be very high, $50 M up to $3 B (this take 50 % of investment). Its also need amusement machinery (20-30 per cent of investment) and working capital requirements took the rest. Periodically need addition new attractions or renovated existing ones to draw repeat customers Æ’Â   more investment. This industry need economic of scale of higher profit. This industry has a high exit cost since high investment. Need high level of special knowledge. Government regulations were quite strict because of the extensive land use, and the potential for serious accident. A typical period required for arranging government for a theme park could be as high as two to five years (depending on the country) We can say, the entry barrier is quite high, so the threat from new entrance is quite low. Buyer The buyers are families, young adults, corporate groups and tourists. Tour operators and government tourist promotion boards also a buyer. Most of them only come to theme park in the particular season. Customer satisfaction is their need to attract a repetition, but there are so many players, and the buyer is very easy to switch. No need cost to switch to other theme park, the customer always need a new experience. Threat from buyer is HIGH. Supplier Power There were fewer than 10 suppliers who were capable of developing quality machinery, such as DOGO of Japan, HUSS of Germany, and ARROW of the US. They are worked globally; the industry can ask a custom designed. There were a large number of suppliers for the smaller machines, could be manufactured domestically. Sega Japan and Simex Canada is for special stimulators for amusement. Those suppliers are competing each other, can manufactured domestically and its a advantage for industry, so threat from Supplier is LOW. There is exception for software; sometimes, software in the industry was not easily available. In this case, Farmland will go it alone. Substitutes and Complements Consumer can substitute a visit to theme park with other modes of entertainment, something new, different, cheaper, or more convenient such as free admission parks and beaches, camping trips, video movies at home. No switching cost. Threat from substitute is medium to high, since actually the substitute is not in the same comparative with theme park industry. P.E.S.T.E.D Politic Government regulations were quite strict because of the extensive land use, and the potential for serious accident. Economic Booming Korean economy Social: Increasing demands for leisure attractions. Customer satisfaction was a critical issue Æ’Â   to draw repeat customers Technology Special stimulators for amusement purpose using proprietary technology. Software, need a high licensing fees. Virtual Reality (VR) was increasingly becoming a highly lucrative mas-market entertainment phenomenon. Environment Demography The traditional appeals are preteens, teens, and young adults. But changing demographics push to think in term of broader market, particularly families, corporate groups and senior citizens. There 5 major markets: Local family, mostly on weekend Childrens group (school, churches, scout), summer weekdays The evening market, teens and young adults, comes from concert and romancing at night Corporate Group Tourists SWOT Analysis + Internal Strength Farmland had the highest growth rate within Korean industry SAMSUNG image is a big company. Master plan includes some new park and new facilities, will continue with luxury hotels, golf courses, will give a high class resort. Mountain resort gives a fresh connotation. Weaknesses Farmland is 60 km from Seoul, during peak hours, it took as long as 2 hours to drive Farmland have more or less enough parking for the time being, but if we are going to expand, this will be a major bottleneck our customer satisfaction levels were lagging behind the key competitor, Lotte World External Opportunities The government has plans to bring the subway up to Yongin, Farmland would have a subway terminal Æ’Â   a lot of convenience to our customer Since we will build some new infrastructure, like a water park, we can invest on the newest amusement technology that can be a new challenge to the customer. Threats Walt Disney Corp. were not interested for joint venture with in Korea. Farmland had to go it alone to provide software for theme park Korean nature, work 5 Â ½ days a week, working days the travel time is long. They will not be so keen to travel on a Sunday or on holiday if the traffic is heavy. Expanding Farmland will take over more of the land mass available in the Yongin valley. Potential flooding. STRATEGY YES, Samsung invest in such an aggressive expansion plan for Farmland. We need to do many things in our strategy in order to make this as a profitable industry. According to expanding Farmland, we have to consider how we compensate the people around there since potential flooding in the surrounding region. If there is not compensation, there will be a potential threat to our company. Accessibility of the park location is a key success factor in theme park industry, so we need to make a good relationship with government according to government plan to bring the subway up to Yongin. About pricing, we will switch to Pay-one-price scheme. We have to increase our customer satisfaction levels. We also need to change the Farmland name with other name to provide a better image of the company that can attract people with something different experience. Once they come to theme park, we will provide a high quality experience to draw repeat customers. Repeat business is very important to our survival. If we dont satisfy our customers, they will not come back and we will not have any business left. We have to create something that can be our distinctive. With our master plan, Farmland will be the South Koreas largest theme park. With new investment, we can invest on the newest amusement machinery technology that can be a new challenge to the customer. We need to build a corporate image, to make Farmland as a world class resort complex. We will build our head office located where our products are, not manage Farmland by remote control. About recruitment, we need more service oriented people, more female workers, even we will face a high turnover, it will good since fresh blood always brings in fresh ideas so we would able to preserve some dynamism in our organization. What we want to build is a destination resort town and residential community where people can come, relax and enjoy themselves in a low-stress environment. For 180,00 Samsung employee, this will give a place to come and be proud of. This can bring a good spirit to all Samsung employee.